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Mengatasi Masalah: SeaDAS 7.3 Tidak Bisa Proses Terra-MODIS

SeaDAS versi terbaru (SeaDAS 7.3.1) adalah perangkat lunak handal untuk memproses data citra ocean color. Berbeda dengan Seadas versi 6.4 (ke bawah), SeaDAS 7.0 (ke atas) menggunakan BEAM framework sementara proserornya (OCSSW) tetap menggunakan prosesor lama dari SeaDAS. Framework bisa diinstall dan berjalan lintas platform (Windows, Linux, Mac), sementara prosesor OCSSW saat ini baru bisa berjalan di Linux.

Sebelum berpindah ke versi 7.3.1, saya biasanya mengolah data dengan Seadas 6.4, namun saat ini, pengolahan data tidak bisa dilakukan karena beberapa data tambahan yang diunduh langsung dari server SeaDAS sudah tidak bisa dilakukan dari SeaDAS 6.4. Maka dengan terpaksa harus pindah dan menginstall SeaDAS 7.3.1 plus prosesornya. Instalasi prosesor cukup rumit dan sering gagal. Termasuk ketika semua terlihat berhasil, pengecekan pemrosesan data dengan Data MERIS dan AQUA-Modis berjalan lancar, ternyata pemrosesan data Terra MODIS mengalami kendala akibat tidak tersedianya data Look Up Table (LUT) dari Terra.

Untuk itu, pemasangan LUT ini harus dilakukan secara manual dan terpisah. File LUT dapat diunduh di:…/…/modist/xcal/EVAL…/…/modist/xcal/OPER

Untuk memudahkan, gunakan saja tool:

$ wget -r…/…/modist/xcal/EVAL


$ wget -r…/…/modist/xcal/OPER

Unduh Missing LUT
Unduh Missing LUT

Jangan lupa, file selanjutnya ditaruh di


Jika sudah, SeaDAS bisa digunakan untuk memproses Terra-MODIS


Berikut salah satu log prosesnya:

execution exception: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Input file /home/lmjaelani/MOD021KM.A2013167.0300.005.2013167133509.hdf is MODIS Terra Level-1B HDF-EOS product.
Loading default parameters from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/common/msl12_defaults.par
Loading default parameters for HMODIST from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/msl12_defaults.par
Loading parameters for suite OC from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/msl12_defaults_OC.par
Loading command line parameters

Loading user parameters for HMODIST
Loading characteristics for HMODIST
Opening sensor information file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/msl12_sensor_info.dat
Bnd Lam Fo Tau_r k_oz k_no2 t_co2 awhite aw bbw
0 412.000 172.632 3.161e-01 8.772e-04 5.915e-19 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 1.809e-02 2.939e-03
1 443.000 187.484 2.369e-01 3.123e-03 4.993e-19 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 1.709e-02 2.182e-03
2 469.000 205.878 1.914e-01 8.745e-03 3.938e-19 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 1.034e-02 1.749e-03
3 488.000 195.117 1.603e-01 2.020e-02 2.910e-19 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 2.002e-02 1.457e-03
4 531.000 185.699 1.130e-01 6.776e-02 1.547e-19 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 4.967e-02 1.017e-03
5 547.000 186.475 9.936e-02 8.581e-02 1.208e-19 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 5.719e-02 8.914e-04
6 555.000 183.869 9.432e-02 9.553e-02 9.445e-20 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 5.839e-02 8.443e-04
7 645.000 157.811 5.082e-02 7.382e-02 1.382e-20 1.000e+00 9.133e-01 3.458e-01 4.469e-04
8 667.000 151.694 4.431e-02 4.877e-02 6.965e-21 1.000e+00 8.921e-01 5.652e-01 3.879e-04
9 678.000 147.470 4.139e-02 3.803e-02 8.519e-21 1.000e+00 8.783e-01 6.182e-01 3.615e-04
10 748.000 127.873 2.842e-02 1.212e-02 2.115e-21 1.000e+00 7.832e-01 2.812e+00 2.464e-04
11 859.000 97.174 1.613e-02 2.347e-03 6.212e-23 1.000e+00 6.519e-01 4.396e+00 1.384e-04
12 869.000 95.816 1.545e-02 1.990e-03 1.233e-22 1.000e+00 6.403e-01 4.705e+00 1.324e-04
13 1240.000 45.467 3.617e-03 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 9.994e-01 0.000e+00 1.147e+02 3.021e-05
14 1640.000 23.977 1.219e-03 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 9.890e-01 0.000e+00 6.689e+02 1.000e-05
15 2130.000 9.885 4.286e-04 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 9.696e-01 0.000e+00 2.810e+03 3.465e-06

Bnd Lam
16 3750.000
17 3959.000
18 4050.000
19 6715.000
20 7325.000
21 8550.000
22 11000.000
23 12000.000

Internal data compression requested at compression level: 4
Opening filter file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/msl12_filter.dat
Setting 7 x 5 straylight filter on HILT mask

Filter Kernel
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Minimum fill set to 1 pixels
Setting 7 x 5 straylight filter on CLDICE mask

Filter Kernel
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Minimum fill set to 1 pixels
Processing at 1000 meter resolution.
1000-meter file: /home/lmjaelani/MOD021KM.A2013167.0300.005.2013167133509.hdf

Allocated 2303742 bytes in L1 record.
Allocated 1207780 bytes in L2 record.

Opening: /home/lmjaelani/T2013167030000_10.L2_LAC_OC
Reading Thuillier_F0.dat
The following products will be included in /home/lmjaelani/T2013167030000_10.L2_LAC_OC.
0 Rrs_412
1 Rrs_443
2 Rrs_469
3 Rrs_488
4 Rrs_531
5 Rrs_547
6 Rrs_555
7 Rrs_645
8 Rrs_667
9 Rrs_678
10 chlor_a
11 mwind
12 nLw_412
13 nLw_443
14 nLw_469
15 nLw_488
16 nLw_531
17 nLw_547
18 nLw_555
19 nLw_645
20 nLw_667
21 nLw_678
22 tsm_swim
23 windangle
24 windspeed
25 zwind
26 l2_flags

Begin l2gen Version 8.10.0-r12912 Processing
Sensor is HMODIST
Sensor ID is 8
Sensor has 16 reflective bands
Sensor has 8 emmissive bands
Number of along-track detectors per band is 10
Number of input pixels per scan is 1354
Processing pixels 977 to 1316 by 1
Processing scans 1174 to 1885 by 1
Ocean processing enabled
Land processing enabled
Atmospheric correction enabled

Begin MSl12 processing at 2016141140035000

Allocated 2303742 bytes in L1 record.
Allocated 2303742 bytes in L1 record.
Allocated 2303742 bytes in L1 record.
Allocated 2303742 bytes in L1 record.
Allocated 2303742 bytes in L1 record.
Loading radiance to brightness temperature from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/bt_modist.hdf
Loading land mask file from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/common/
Loading bathymetry mask file from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/common/watermask.dat
Loading ice mask file from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/anc/2013/167/N201316700_SEAICE_NSIDC_24h.hdf
Loaded near real time NSIDC ice HDF file.
Loading elevation file from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/common/
Loading XCAL rvs and polarization sensitivities from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/modist/xcal/OPER/xcal_modist_txc16c_412.hdf
Loading XCAL rvs and polarization sensitivities from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/modist/xcal/OPER/xcal_modist_txc16c_443.hdf
Loading XCAL rvs and polarization sensitivities from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/modist/xcal/OPER/xcal_modist_txc16c_469.hdf
Loading XCAL rvs and polarization sensitivities from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/modist/xcal/OPER/xcal_modist_txc16c_488.hdf
Loading XCAL rvs and polarization sensitivities from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/modist/xcal/OPER/xcal_modist_txc16c_531.hdf
Loading XCAL rvs and polarization sensitivities from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/modist/xcal/OPER/xcal_modist_txc16c_547.hdf
Loading XCAL rvs and polarization sensitivities from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/modist/xcal/OPER/xcal_modist_txc16c_555.hdf
Loading XCAL rvs and polarization sensitivities from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/modist/xcal/OPER/xcal_modist_txc16c_645.hdf
Loading XCAL rvs and polarization sensitivities from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/modist/xcal/OPER/xcal_modist_txc16c_667.hdf
Loading XCAL rvs and polarization sensitivities from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/modist/xcal/OPER/xcal_modist_txc16c_678.hdf
Loading XCAL rvs and polarization sensitivities from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/modist/xcal/OPER/xcal_modist_txc16c_748.hdf
Loading XCAL rvs and polarization sensitivities from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/modist/xcal/OPER/xcal_modist_txc16c_859.hdf
Loading XCAL rvs and polarization sensitivities from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/modist/xcal/OPER/xcal_modist_txc16c_869.hdf
Loading DEM info from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/common/
Loading climatology file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/common/sst_climatology.hdf
Loading Daily V2 0.25-deg OI Reynolds SST reference from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/anc/2013/167/

Loading SSS reference from Climatology file: /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/common/sss_climatology_woa2009.hdf
Opening meteorological files.
met1 = /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/anc/2013/167/N201316700_MET_NCEPR2_6h.hdf
met2 = /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/anc/2013/167/N201316706_MET_NCEPR2_6h.hdf
met3 = /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/anc/2013/167/N201316706_MET_NCEPR2_6h.hdf
ozone1 = /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/anc/2013/166/N201316600_O3_AURAOMI_24h.hdf
ozone2 = /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/anc/2013/167/N201316700_O3_AURAOMI_24h.hdf
ozone3 = /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/var/anc/2013/167/N201316700_O3_AURAOMI_24h.hdf
no2 = /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/common/no2_climatology_v2013.hdf

/data3/swdev/V2016.2/build/src/libanc/HDFroutines.c, 533 I: Correcting ozone using file:
ozone inst: AURAOMI
/data3/swdev/V2016.2/build/src/libanc/HDFroutines.c, 533 I: Correcting ozone using file:
ozone inst: AURAOMI

Opening NO2 file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/common/no2_climatology_v2013.hdf
Opening NO2 frac file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/common/trop_f_no2_200m.hdf

RJH: gas_opt: O3
RJH: gas_opt: CO2
RJH: gas_opt: NO2
RJH: gas_opt: H2O

Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_412_iqu.hdf
Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_443_iqu.hdf
Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_469_iqu.hdf
Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_488_iqu.hdf
Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_531_iqu.hdf
Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_547_iqu.hdf
Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_555_iqu.hdf
Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_645_iqu.hdf
Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_667_iqu.hdf
Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_678_iqu.hdf
Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_748_iqu.hdf
Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_859_iqu.hdf
Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_869_iqu.hdf
Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_1240_iqu.hdf
Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_1640_iqu.hdf
Loading Rayleigh LUT /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/rayleigh/rayleigh_hmodist_2130_iqu.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_412.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_443.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_469.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_488.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_531.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_547.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_555.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_645.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_667.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_678.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_748.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_859.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_869.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_1240.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_1640.hdf
Loading polarization file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/polcor_modist_2130.hdf

Using 869.0 nm channel for cloud flagging over water.
Using 412.0 nm channel for cloud flagging over land.

Processing scan # 1173 (1 of 712) after 11 seconds

Loading SSES table from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/sst_sses_modist.v6.3.1.gt100counts.hdf

Loading SSES table from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/sst4_sses_modist.v6.3.1.gt100counts.hdf
looking for month 6 mission TERR
Loading SST4 lat band coefficients from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/TERRA_coll_6_SST4_latband1_coeffs_v_6.3.txt:
6 -90.0 -40.0 0.68902999 1.02104414 0.40474924 2.22365665 0.01517136 0.00021993 -0.00022109
6 -40.0 -20.0 0.12124863 1.02878153 0.58870393 2.34600878 0.00616842 -0.00014559 -0.00027245
6 -20.0 0.0 -0.37746400 1.06378102 0.44153830 2.73370647 0.00000000 -0.00048238 -0.00023937
6 0.0 20.0 0.20709638 1.04970717 0.37704423 2.90235829 0.00949008 -0.00049397 -0.00023333
6 20.0 40.0 -0.24586944 1.03088093 0.75708359 2.18911076 0.00466374 -0.00024171 -0.00028470
6 40.0 90.0 0.12652640 1.01182759 0.74572998 2.08818340 0.01806557 -0.00022194 -0.00032919
Loading SST lat band coefficients from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/modist/cal/TERRA_coll_6_SST_latband1_coeffs_v_6.3.txt:
6 -90.0 -40.0 1.15610993 0.96683627 0.14794070 0.67131674 -0.14913630 0.00000000 0.00021456
6 -40.0 -20.0 1.90115547 0.92862707 0.13125360 0.79991186 -0.11723470 -0.00076197 0.00015859
6 -20.0 0.0 3.77540112 0.85440177 0.12170476 0.92169595 -0.08559370 -0.00134018 0.00011831
6 0.0 20.0 5.03281879 0.81295443 0.11662806 0.78041559 -0.07819918 -0.00141101 0.00014966
6 20.0 40.0 2.10141778 0.93595856 0.12382485 1.11140287 -0.11798046 -0.00110913 0.00014435
6 40.0 90.0 1.48629510 0.94601268 0.14926374 0.66432655 -0.12684594 -0.00031583 0.00020342
sst reference day offset = 0.000000
sst reference night offset = 0.000000
chl_hu: using 443.00 547.00 667.00

-E- No benthic reflectance file supplied: use default benthic albedo spectra

Processing scan # 1223 (51 of 712) after 17 seconds
Aerosol selection bands 748 and 869
MUMM correction enabled.
Loading aerosol models from /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/hmodist/aerosol/aerosol_hmodist
Number of Wavelengths 16
Number of Solar Zenith Angles 33
Number of View Zenith Angles 35
Number of Relative Azimuth Angles 19
Number of Scattering Angles 75
Number of Diffuse Transmittance Wavelengths 16
Number of Diffuse Transmittance Zenith Angles 33

Limiting aerosol models based on RH.

Using Gordon & Wang aerosol model selection
and MUMM correction
Using bands at 748.0 and 869.0 nm for model selection
Extrapolating from 869.0 nm
80 aerosol models: 8 humidities x 10 size fractions
model 0, rh=30.000000, sd=16, alpha=2.157241, name=r30f95v01
model 1, rh=30.000000, sd=17, alpha=2.046257, name=r30f80v01
model 2, rh=30.000000, sd=18, alpha=1.716705, name=r30f50v01
model 3, rh=30.000000, sd=19, alpha=1.337765, name=r30f30v01
model 4, rh=30.000000, sd=20, alpha=1.044226, name=r30f20v01
model 5, rh=30.000000, sd=21, alpha=0.606762, name=r30f10v01
model 6, rh=30.000000, sd=22, alpha=0.286504, name=r30f05v01
model 7, rh=30.000000, sd=23, alpha=0.036792, name=r30f02v01
model 8, rh=30.000000, sd=24, alpha=-0.060270, name=r30f01v01
model 9, rh=30.000000, sd=25, alpha=-0.166100, name=r30f00v01
model 10, rh=50.000000, sd=16, alpha=2.146837, name=r50f95v01
model 11, rh=50.000000, sd=17, alpha=2.036999, name=r50f80v01
model 12, rh=50.000000, sd=18, alpha=1.710439, name=r50f50v01
model 13, rh=50.000000, sd=19, alpha=1.333905, name=r50f30v01
model 14, rh=50.000000, sd=20, alpha=1.042108, name=r50f20v01
model 15, rh=50.000000, sd=21, alpha=0.606626, name=r50f10v01
model 16, rh=50.000000, sd=22, alpha=0.287789, name=r50f05v01
model 17, rh=50.000000, sd=23, alpha=0.039128, name=r50f02v01
model 18, rh=50.000000, sd=24, alpha=-0.057579, name=r50f01v01
model 19, rh=50.000000, sd=25, alpha=-0.162985, name=r50f00v01
model 20, rh=70.000000, sd=16, alpha=2.140160, name=r70f95v01
model 21, rh=70.000000, sd=17, alpha=2.045374, name=r70f80v01
model 22, rh=70.000000, sd=18, alpha=1.755047, name=r70f50v01
model 23, rh=70.000000, sd=19, alpha=1.405260, name=r70f30v01
model 24, rh=70.000000, sd=20, alpha=1.123508, name=r70f20v01
model 25, rh=70.000000, sd=21, alpha=0.684847, name=r70f10v01
model 26, rh=70.000000, sd=22, alpha=0.348885, name=r70f05v01
model 27, rh=70.000000, sd=23, alpha=0.077001, name=r70f02v01
model 28, rh=70.000000, sd=24, alpha=-0.031204, name=r70f01v01
model 29, rh=70.000000, sd=25, alpha=-0.151064, name=r70f00v01
model 30, rh=75.000000, sd=16, alpha=2.103032, name=r75f95v01
model 31, rh=75.000000, sd=17, alpha=2.024507, name=r75f80v01
model 32, rh=75.000000, sd=18, alpha=1.775899, name=r75f50v01
model 33, rh=75.000000, sd=19, alpha=1.461768, name=r75f30v01
model 34, rh=75.000000, sd=20, alpha=1.197196, name=r75f20v01
model 35, rh=75.000000, sd=21, alpha=0.765139, name=r75f10v01
model 36, rh=75.000000, sd=22, alpha=0.416506, name=r75f05v01
model 37, rh=75.000000, sd=23, alpha=0.121783, name=r75f02v01
model 38, rh=75.000000, sd=24, alpha=0.000882, name=r75f01v01
model 39, rh=75.000000, sd=25, alpha=-0.135518, name=r75f00v01
model 40, rh=80.000000, sd=16, alpha=2.017430, name=r80f95v01
model 41, rh=80.000000, sd=17, alpha=1.949663, name=r80f80v01
model 42, rh=80.000000, sd=18, alpha=1.731507, name=r80f50v01
model 43, rh=80.000000, sd=19, alpha=1.447470, name=r80f30v01
model 44, rh=80.000000, sd=20, alpha=1.201746, name=r80f20v01
model 45, rh=80.000000, sd=21, alpha=0.787761, name=r80f10v01
model 46, rh=80.000000, sd=22, alpha=0.443221, name=r80f05v01
model 47, rh=80.000000, sd=23, alpha=0.144207, name=r80f02v01
model 48, rh=80.000000, sd=24, alpha=0.019537, name=r80f01v01
model 49, rh=80.000000, sd=25, alpha=-0.122794, name=r80f00v01
model 50, rh=85.000000, sd=16, alpha=1.936610, name=r85f95v01
model 51, rh=85.000000, sd=17, alpha=1.875932, name=r85f80v01
model 52, rh=85.000000, sd=18, alpha=1.678274, name=r85f50v01
model 53, rh=85.000000, sd=19, alpha=1.416002, name=r85f30v01
model 54, rh=85.000000, sd=20, alpha=1.184981, name=r85f20v01
model 55, rh=85.000000, sd=21, alpha=0.788088, name=r85f10v01
model 56, rh=85.000000, sd=22, alpha=0.450830, name=r85f05v01
model 57, rh=85.000000, sd=23, alpha=0.153395, name=r85f02v01
model 58, rh=85.000000, sd=24, alpha=0.028065, name=r85f01v01
model 59, rh=85.000000, sd=25, alpha=-0.115876, name=r85f00v01
model 60, rh=90.000000, sd=16, alpha=1.854825, name=r90f95v01
model 61, rh=90.000000, sd=17, alpha=1.802518, name=r90f80v01
model 62, rh=90.000000, sd=18, alpha=1.629169, name=r90f50v01
model 63, rh=90.000000, sd=19, alpha=1.393441, name=r90f30v01
model 64, rh=90.000000, sd=20, alpha=1.180405, name=r90f20v01
model 65, rh=90.000000, sd=21, alpha=0.803328, name=r90f10v01
model 66, rh=90.000000, sd=22, alpha=0.472099, name=r90f05v01
model 67, rh=90.000000, sd=23, alpha=0.171738, name=r90f02v01
model 68, rh=90.000000, sd=24, alpha=0.042729, name=r90f01v01
model 69, rh=90.000000, sd=25, alpha=-0.107223, name=r90f00v01
model 70, rh=95.000000, sd=16, alpha=1.745945, name=r95f95v01
model 71, rh=95.000000, sd=17, alpha=1.706152, name=r95f80v01
model 72, rh=95.000000, sd=18, alpha=1.570866, name=r95f50v01
model 73, rh=95.000000, sd=19, alpha=1.378217, name=r95f30v01
model 74, rh=95.000000, sd=20, alpha=1.195698, name=r95f20v01
model 75, rh=95.000000, sd=21, alpha=0.852786, name=r95f10v01
model 76, rh=95.000000, sd=22, alpha=0.529876, name=r95f05v01
model 77, rh=95.000000, sd=23, alpha=0.218255, name=r95f02v01
model 78, rh=95.000000, sd=24, alpha=0.078257, name=r95f01v01
model 79, rh=95.000000, sd=25, alpha=-0.089512, name=r95f00v01

Loading water-vapor correction coefficients.

Applying ocean BRDF including:
Reflection/refraction for upwelling radiance.
Reflection/refraction for downwelling radiance.
Morel f/Q
rh_ndims=5 rh_dimids=4 3 2 1 0
morel f/q file dimensions n_a=13 n_n=17 n_c=6 n_s=6 n_w=7

Reading foq file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/common/ ndims=5 nvars=6 sds_id=5 var=foq
Closing foq file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/common/
Morel f/Q table from file /home/lmjaelani/seadas-7.1/ocssw/run/data/common/

No Raman scattering correction calculated for Rrs.

Processing scan # 1273 (101 of 712) after 84 seconds
Processing scan # 1323 (151 of 712) after 88 seconds
Processing scan # 1373 (201 of 712) after 90 seconds
Processing scan # 1423 (251 of 712) after 108 seconds
Processing scan # 1473 (301 of 712) after 166 seconds
Processing scan # 1523 (351 of 712) after 239 seconds
Processing scan # 1573 (401 of 712) after 309 seconds
Processing scan # 1623 (451 of 712) after 416 seconds
Processing scan # 1673 (501 of 712) after 513 seconds
Processing scan # 1723 (551 of 712) after 575 seconds
Processing scan # 1773 (601 of 712) after 646 seconds
Processing scan # 1823 (651 of 712) after 727 seconds
Processing scan # 1873 (701 of 712) after 784 seconds

Percentage of pixels flagged:
Flag # 1: ATMFAIL 0 0.0000
Flag # 2: LAND 158814 65.6039
Flag # 3: PRODWARN 0 0.0000
Flag # 4: HIGLINT 0 0.0000
Flag # 5: HILT 194068 80.1669
Flag # 6: HISATZEN 5557 2.2955
Flag # 7: COASTZ 22982 9.4936
Flag # 8: SPARE 0 0.0000
Flag # 9: STRAYLIGHT 100790 41.6350
Flag #10: CLDICE 123661 51.0827
Flag #11: COCCOLITH 374 0.1545
Flag #12: TURBIDW 18686 7.7189
Flag #13: HISOLZEN 0 0.0000
Flag #14: SPARE 0 0.0000
Flag #15: LOWLW 103 0.0425
Flag #16: CHLFAIL 219 0.0905
Flag #17: NAVWARN 0 0.0000
Flag #18: ABSAER 0 0.0000
Flag #19: SPARE 0 0.0000
Flag #20: MAXAERITER 0 0.0000
Flag #21: MODGLINT 0 0.0000
Flag #22: CHLWARN 0 0.0000
Flag #23: ATMWARN 11 0.0045
Flag #24: SPARE 0 0.0000
Flag #25: SEAICE 0 0.0000
Flag #26: NAVFAIL 0 0.0000
Flag #27: FILTER 0 0.0000
Flag #28: SPARE 0 0.0000
Flag #29: BOWTIEDEL 0 0.0000
Flag #30: HIPOL 44559 18.4067
Flag #31: PRODFAIL 214422 88.5748
Flag #32: SPARE 0 0.0000

End MSl12 processing at 2016141141359000
Processing Rate = 0.885572 scans/sec
Processing Completed


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The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by Mengatasi Masalah: SeaDAS 7.3 Tidak Bisa Proses Terra-MODIS and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the post for any purpose.


  1. Ninda

    Dear Pak Lalu,
    sesuai dengan penjelasan diatas jika kita ingin melakukan pemrosesan data L1 ke L2 dsb maka instalasi seadas tetap harus dilakukan di linux ya pak? Tks.

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