Akhirnya BKI mengeluarkan peraturan terbaru untuk kapal fiberglass, peraturan ini bernama Rules for Fibreglass Reinforced Plastics Ships of Special Ships, 2016 Edition. yang aktif per 8 januari 2016. Dapat di download disini:
atau disini http://www.mediafire.com/download/3fe9cuy6strpmx4/%28_Vol_V_%29%2C2016_Rules_for_Fiberglass_Reinforced_Plastics_Ships%2C2016.pdf
Adapun perubahan perubahan yang dilakukan pada rule ini adalah sebagai berikut:
Paragraph |
Title/Subject |
Status/Remarks |
Section 1. General | ||
A. | Definition and Abbreviations | |
1 | Scope of Application | To add epoxy resin |
B. | Definition | |
7 | Load Line and Designed Maximum Load Line | To add new provision about designed maximum load lines |
8 | Load Draught | To give detail explanation about measurement of load draught, and maximum load draught |
9 | Freeboard Deck | To give clear explanation about discontinuous exposed deck |
12 | Resins | To add epoxy resin |
13 | Blending Proportion | To change the term sclerotic to curing agents and add alternative definition of blending proportion |
15 | Bonding | To add the term structural adhesive |
21 | Strutural Adhesive | To add definition of structural adhesive |
22 | Ship at beginning stage of construction | To add definition of ship at beginning stage of construction |
Section 2. Class Survey | ||
B | Classification survey during construction | |
1 | General | To add scope of survey during construction |
3 | Plans and documents to be submitted for reference | To add documents for structural member connections by structural adhesive |
C | Classification survey not built under survey | |
1 | General | To add scope of survey for existing ships |
Section 3. Workshops | ||
C | Storage facilities for raw materials | |
2 | Store of resin, ect | To change the term sclerotic to curing agents and add term structural adhesive |
Section 4. Material for Hull | ||
A | General | |
2 | Raw materials for primary structures | To add the term structural adhesive |
B | Approval | |
1 | Approval of raw materials | To add raw material to be approved |
C | Raw materials, etc | |
4 | Curring agents and accelerators | To change the term sclerotic to curing agents |
D | FRP | |
4 | FRP material test | To add new requirements for FRP material test |
Section 5. Moulding | ||
A | General | |
1 | Application | To add lamination method with spray lay up |
5 | Blending proportion | To change the term sclerotic to curing agents and to add provision that blending proportion is specified by the structural adhesive manufacturer |
6 | Operational manual | To add an item for examinations |
8 | Environmental condition of works using structural adhesives | To add provision for environmental condition of works using structural adhesives |
E | Bonding and Fastening | |
1 | Bonding | To add requirement for bounding with resins and structural adhesive |
F | Bonded connections | |
1 | T-joints | To give clear explanation related to T-joints with structural adhesive |
Section 7. Shell Laminates | ||
D | Shell Laminates for End Parts | |
2 | Strengthened Bottom Forward | To add clear definition of the designed speed, V. |
Section 10. Bottom Construction | ||
F | Double Bottom | |
1 | General | To give clear explanation related to cofferdam |
Section 15. | Machinery Spaces | |
B | Construction under main engines | |
1 | Construction under main engines | To add additional explanation of construction under main engine and new provision for moulding with structural adhesive |
Section 19. | Mechinery Installation | |
B | Installation of propulsion machinery, fuel oil tanks and earthing | |
1 | Installation of propulsion mechinery | To add detail explanation related to Installation of propulsion mechinery |
Annex | ||
1 | FRP Material Test | To add new requirements for FRP material test |
Adapun isi dari peraturan ini adalah sebagai berikut:
Bagian 1 Umum
A. Definisi dan Singkatan
B. Definisi
C. Umum, Aturan untuk Hull Konstruksi dan Peralatan
Bagian 2 Survei Kelas
A. Umum
B. Survey Klasifikasi Selama Pembangunan
C. Klasifikasi Survey Tidak Dibangun Di bawah Survey
Bagian 3 Lokakarya
A. Umum
B. Toko Laminating
C. Fasilitas Penyimpanan Bahan Baku
Bagian 4 Bahan untuk Hull
A. Umum
B. Persetujuan
C. Bahan Baku, dll
Bagian 5 Moulding
A. Umum
B. Tangan Lay-Up Metode
C. Semprotkan Lay-Up Metode
D. Moulding dari Sandwich Konstruksi
E. Bonding dan Pengikatan
F. Berikat Koneksi
Bagian 6 Kekuatan Longitudinal
A. Kekuatan Longitudinal
Bagian 7 Shell Laminasi
A. Umum
B. Keels
C. Shell Laminasi untuk Midship Bagian
D. Shell Laminasi untuk End Parts
E. Side Shell Laminasi di Jalan superstruktur
F. Penguatan Daerah Shell Laminasi
Bagian 8 Dek
A. Umum
B. Minimum Tebal Laminasi Deck
C. lokal Kompensasi dari Dek
Bagian 9 Frames
A. Umum
B. Konstruksi
C. Frames Spasi
D. Frames
Bagian 10 Konstruksi Bawah
A. Umum
B. Pusat girder
C. Side girder
D. lantai
E. Longitudinals Bawah, dll
F. Double Bottom
G. Pembangunan Bawah Diperkuat Maju
H. Hat-Type Konstruksi
Bagian 11 Balok
A. Balok
Bagian 12 girder Deck dan Pilar
A. girder Deck
B. Pilar
Bagian 13 Kedap Bulkheads
A. Penataan Kedap Bulkheads
B. Pembangunan Kedap Bulkheads
Bagian 14 Tank Jauh
A. Umum
B. Bulkhead Laminasi Deep Tank
C. Penyediaan untuk Deep Tank
D. Penerapan Persyaratan
Pasal 15 Spaces Mesin
A. Umum
Mesin B. Konstruksi Under Main
Bagian 16 Suprastruktur dan deckhouse
A. Umum
B. Konstruksi, dll
Bagian 17 palka Openings, Mesin Bukaan dan Pembukaan Deck Lainnya
A. Umum
Bagian 18 Bulwark, pagar pembatas, Membebaskan Pengaturan, Side Openings, mengacak-acak, ventilator dan
A. Umum
Pasal 19 Instalasi Mesin
A. Umum
B. Pemasangan Propulsion Mesin, Tangki Bahan Bakar Minyak dan pembumian
Lampiran 1 FRP Uji Bahan
A. Metode Manufaktur Uji Laminasi untuk FRP Laminasi dan Sandwich Konstruksi
B. Pemilihan Uji Spesimen
C. Bentuk dan Ukuran Uji Spesimen 2/8
D Uji Prosedur
E. HasilĀ Uji
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The information contained in this post is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by Peraturan Terbaru BKI untuk kapal fiberglass 2016 and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the post for any purpose.
wah halaman yang baik serta aktikel yang bagus dan bermanfaat. ditunggu postingan berikutnya yaa ..salam
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Bermanfaat sekali. Khusunya untuk orang kapal. Siip (y)
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Sangat bermanfaat,
Terima Kasih bapa.
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