On Thurday, 27 of June 2023, It is a precious chance for me, to be Master of Ceremony in hybrid workshop about “Exploring Research and Publish with IEEE Explore” wich held by ITS library. The event was attended more 200 participants both online via zoom meeting and offline at the bibliotek library Room,
I prepared well so that the event could run smoothly. I made a short script to open the event and I introduced the resource persons one by one along with their backgrounds and expertise. I would like to say welcome to
- Bapak Prof. Dr. Ir. Ady Soeprijanto, MT( ( Vice Rector for ITS Academic and Student Affair )
- Welcome to The speakers today : Bapak Prof Ir Gamantyo Hendrantoro, M.Eng, PhD ( ITS Professor and Head of IEEE Indonesia Section 2023 ) and Bapak Alex Liu YUPeng (Manager Cilent Service Asia, IEEE),
- Welcome to Bapak Edy Suprayitno, S.S, M.Hum ( Head of ITS Library )
- Welcome to Ibu Wiwi Wiyanti , the Moderator today
- also welcome to all of participant

The speakers provided explanations about IEEE journals, the important role of publications, the IEEE journal assessment system, as well as tips for writing good articles and downloading articles from IEEE Explore. Participants seemed enthusiastic in asking questions both through the zoom chat and directly in the bibilotek ITS Librray room.
The event lasted for 2.5 hours and achieved its objective of providing an in-depth insight related to publications in international journals. As the MC, I felt satisfied as I could facilitate the hybrid workshop well despite it being my first experience. This is a valuable experience that I have gained, hopefully it will be beneficial