Research Profile


ORCID iD is a unique digital identifier linked to you and your work. It makes your work discoverable and ensures you are distinguished from other researchers

Springer Nature Joint Publishing Talk 2020

Following is my ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3234-4591


I’m not going to create another research output profile in this page, since there are many existing indexing systems today that can be used to gather our research profile. Following are my research profile pages in several indexing systems, i.e. Scopus, Indonesia Government’s Sinta, and Google Scholar:



Google Scholar

Other Research-related Activities

Conference Reviewer

  • A reviewer of papers submitted to Joint Conference 2018, held on July 24 – 26 2018, organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada.